Thursday, April 30, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Thursday, April 30 Romans 2:17 – 2:29
  • Paul might have summarized his point in this section like this, “Spending time in a garage doesn’t make you a car any more than attending church on Sunday makes you a Christian.” God’s desire is for us to live spiritual lives that honor and glorify God. Do you profess Christ with your mouth and fail to live for Christ in your actions?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Wednesday, April 29 Romans 2:1 – 2:16

  • Sometimes we get caught up in the wrath of God mentioned in chapter 1 and we forget about the kindness of God. Paul asks us in verse 5, “Do you not realize that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?” Meditate on the kindness of God and try to base your actions today in response to God’s kindness and love.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Monday, April 27 Romans 1:1 – 1:17

• In this opening section of Romans, Paul introduces himself as a “servant of Jesus Christ” among other things. How do you identify yourself when meeting others? Do you think of yourself as called by God?

• In verses 8 - 15, Paul gives thanks for the community of faith in Roman that he has never met. As you will see, community is a major theme in Romans. How are you seeking to encourage others and bless those around you, especially people in our church community?

Tuesday, April 28 Romans 1:18 – 1:32

• Human tendency is to point out others sins and make certain sins worse than others. Instead of using this passage to condemn other, reflect on your own sinfulness. How have you failed to honor God or to give him thanks? Have you committed any of the sins listed in verses 29 – 31? Do you need to confess them to God?

Roaming Through Romans

Reading the Bible can be hard enough. Trying to figure out what it means for today can be even harder. The book of Romans is one of the richest but most difficult books in the New Testament. This brief overview of Romans will aim to help people see how Scripture can apply to their own lives. For the next five weeks, we will journey through the Book of Romans, some of St. Paul’s finest work, and see how it can inform our lives.

You can listen to the introduction sermon, "Roman Ramblings."

Also, each day I will post a passage to read and some questions to reflect upon.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Sermon

Not your traditional Easter sermon but a sermon dealing with the realities of the resurrection. I hope you are blessed by it.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

An Easter Thought

Many churches and preachers will tell you are worthless rags, scum and should feel lucky that God even thinks about saving you. That is all fine and well, except I don’t think God sees you that way. If you are still in the pain and suffering and haven’t discovered new life yet, it may be difficult to even believe God knows your name. All you hear is that God hates sin and sinners are going to burn in Hell. You don’t hear that God loves you and forget about Him actually speaking it to you. The bible tells us that God knows your name. He knows the number of hairs on your head. He loves you and cherishes you. Nothing you can do or have done can change that. We may be a bit banged up, but in God’s eyes we are always worthy of repair. We are like a Rolls Royce that has hit a tree.

We may need some fixing up but we are still infinitely valuable in God’s eyes.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009