Friday, May 29, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Friday, May 29 Romans 16:1-27
  • In Paul’s parting words, he chooses to remind us “to keep an eye on those who cause dissensions and offenses, in opposition to the teaching that you have learned; avoid them” (Romans 16:17). Why do you think these are Paul’s last words? Are you a person of peace? Do you surround yourself with people of peace?
  • And now may you be strengthened as you finish our roaming through Romans. Consider continuing daily reading the Scriptures. Pick another book of the Bible. If you haven’t read much of Scripture, try starting with one of the Gospels, maybe John or Luke. May you know the God of Heaven, experience his salvation, meditate on his Word and enjoy his riches! Amen.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Thursday, May 28 Romans 15:14-33
  • Paul longed to go to Rome but was hindered because of a greater calling upon his life. Paul’s ambition was to proclaim the good news where it had never been heard. He made sacrifices and took risks to fulfill this calling. What do you feel called to? What risks or sacrifices do you need to make in order to fulfill it?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Wednesday, May 27 Romans 15:1-13
  • Paul writes two powerful blessings regarding the Gospel and how we should live with one another. Reread Romans 15:5-6; 13. How can you speak a blessing into someone’s life today?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Tuesday, May 26 Romans 14:1-23

  • As we become more faithful followers of Christ, we sometimes have a tendency to think ourselves better than others. We see others shortcomings and faults and exalt ourselves. Instead of judging others in their weakness, how can you extend love and mercy to them?
  • Have you ever tripped and stubbed your toe? It hurts. We do not want to be a hindrance to others as we pursue a Christian life. Take some time to meditate on the fact that the kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Monday, May 25, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Monday, May 25 Romans 13:1-14
  • Teenagers and even adults sometimes struggle with submitting to their governing authorities. Do you ever resist authority? How might being subject to others glorify God?
  • Verses 8-10 state that to fulfill to love one another the law of God. The law is not fulfilled in a list of do’s and don’ts. Meditate on those verses and have brilliant thoughts.

Friday, May 22, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Friday, May 22 Romans 12:1-21
  • Sometimes it is good to read the same passage daily for an extended period of time. This allows Scripture to be read for transformation and not just information. After a week in Romans 12, how has the exercise impacted your spiritually?
  • What do you need to do to offer yourself daily as a living sacrifice to God?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Thursday, May 21 Romans 12:9-21

  • Paul lists a rather extensive catalogue of how true Christians should act. What seems to be the overarching theme? Read 1 Corinthians 13 and compare the sections.
  • That one concept of stands out to you as you read? Try and put that into practice this week.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Wednesday, May 20 Romans 12:3-8
  • In ancient times, there were strict class distinctions. Today some of those distinctions still exist in informal ways. Do you ever consider yourself better than certain kinds of people and act condescending towards them?
  • Instead of establishing class distinction, God has given us many different gifts and has called us to be a part of one body in Christ. What gifts has God given you? How can you use those gifts to benefit the church?
  • To take a spiritual gifts survey, visit and follow the instructions.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sermon - Truly Transforming

Week 4 of a 5 week series on the Epistle to the Romans.

God of Wonders

Rob Tromp, one of our worship leaders, did "God of Wonders" as special music last Sunday. The recording isn't great but the song is powerful. This one is worth downloading and listening to!

Blessings! of Wonders.mp3

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Tuesday, May 19 Romans 12:1-2
  • To be a living sacrifice is to adopt a lifestyle of praise and worship. Paul suggests doing that through the renewing of your mind. How can you daily renew your mind? \
  • What advantages do Christians who know and follow the will of God have? How often do you seek to know the will of God?

Monday, May 18, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Monday, May 18 Romans 12:1-21
  • This week we are going to focus solely on Romans 12. Read the text prayerfully each day and allow this action packed passage permeate your soul.
  • Romans 12 shifts from a theoretical and ethical approach to a practical approach. Occasionally, Christians get caught in talking the talk without walking the walk. How do you need to put your words and Christian beliefs into action?

Friday, May 15, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Friday, May 15 Romans 11:11-36
  • The world has always had a strange and often tenuous relationship with the Jewish people. As Christ followers, let us not forget that we worship a Jewish messiah. Our roots of faith are with the Israelites. Should we not pray for a deeper understanding concerning this mysterious relationship with ancient Israel?
  • Reread Romans 11:33-36 and set your mind on things of the Spirit!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Thursday, May 14 Romans 11:1-10
  • Our God is a God of second chances. Israel may have missed the messiah, but Paul believes that God will not reject them. Do you ever feel like you’ve blown it and missed God? Confess to God and rest in God’s grace and know you are chosen.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Wednesday, May 13 Romans 9:30 – 10:21
  • Do you ever feel unworthy of God’s love or not good enough? Take heart for God receives all who confess with their lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in his resurrection. God will save you from sin, death and destruction.
  • Romans 10:13 says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Have you called upon Jesus for help? Have you confessed your sins and trusted in Christ? Will you take time today to call upon God and believe in your heart? Let your pastor know if you have made a decision for Christ today.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Monday, May 11 Romans 8:1-39

  • Chapter 8 Paul begins to tell us about the glorious life that we have when we live in and through the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:5 encourages us to set our minds on things of the Spirit. Spend some time meditating on things of the Spirit.
  • Life can feel overwhelming and too much to handle. In those times words to pray often fail us, but the Spirit intercedes for us in groans. How can you feel the Spirit’s strength in times of weakness?
  • As you set your mind on things of the Spirit and wait for the Spirit’s strengths, relish in this reality: Nothing can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord!

Tuesday, May 12 Romans 9:1-29

  • In chapter 9, Paul is addressing God’s stance towards Israel now that salvation is for everyone. He seems to be addressing complaints that God is not fair. Do you ever feel like God isn’t fair to you? Spend some time praying for those who are less fortunate than you.
  • Hopefully we can find comfort knowing that God says in Hosea, “Those who were not my people I will call ‘my people,’ and her who was not beloved I will call ‘beloved.’” What do these words mean to you?

Friday, May 8, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Friday, May 8 Romans 7:1-25
  • In Romans 7, Paul is talking about the tension of the ‘old man’ or ‘the sinfulness of the flesh’ and the ‘new creation’ that we are in Christ. As Christ followers, we seek to live spiritual but often live out of our sinful flesh. In v. 24 Paul proclaims, “Wretched man that I am! Who will rescue me form this body of death?” Who will rescue you from your sinfulness? How can you better live out of your new self?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Thursday, May 7 Romans 6:1-23
  • People sometimes distort the message of the Gospel and think they can continue to sin because God is gracious to forgive. Paul opens Romans 6 with this question and again poses it in verse 15. His response is, “By no means!” Instead we have been freed from sin in order to be slaves of righteousness (R. 6:22). How can you stay free from sin and a slave of God?
  • The transition from slaves of sin to slaves of God is illustrated in the sacrament of baptism. If you have been baptized, reflect on your baptism. If you haven’t been baptized, consider talking to the pastor or another Christian about it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Wednesday, May 6 Romans 5:1-21
  • Chapter 5 is the center of the letter to the Romans. Paul’s desire is for us to receive the peace with God through Jesus Christ. Have you received God’s love through the Holy Spirit? Do you boast of the work God has done in your life or do you boast of your own accomplishments? Take some time to say thank you to God for sending his Son to bring us life.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


The Gospel is so often presented with a bait and switch. Salvation is free*!
(*now you must follow all of these rules to keep it...)
In this sermon, we will look at Romans 5:1-5 and see how salvation is a free gift but the riches that result come with some human participation.

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Monday, May 4 Romans 3:21-31

  • In God’s eyes all people regardless of religious profession or creed have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (R. 3:23). How can you become aware of your sinful conduct and therefore, more aware of the gift that God offers us?
  • God not only wants to save us from our sins but God has destined us to spend eternity in his glorious presence. Read v. 26 again, “He justifies the one who has faith in Jesus.” How can you allow this truth permeate your life more fully?

Tuesday, May 5 Romans 4:1-25

  • Embracing the reality that we are sinful can be difficult. Reread verses 4:7-8 and meditate on the fact that you are blessed when you acknowledge your sins.
  • Abraham is considered the founder of faith. Paul helps the reader to understand that faith is the way that we are reckoned righteous. Understanding the role of faith in the spiritual journey can be difficult. Romans 4:20 reminds us that faith is a process. How can you help your faith to grow strong? Do you ever pray for your faith to be strengthened?

Friday, May 1, 2009

GPS: Grow, Pray, Study

Friday, May 1 Romans 3:1 – 3:20

  • Chapter 3 begins with some sobering affirmations. “No human being will be justified in his sight” (Romans 3:20). On our own we can never be as holy as God is. How does it feel to know that your actions in themselves will never be good enough for God?