Thursday, August 2, 2012

Running the Race

Sunday July 29, 2012

What happened in worship: We commissioned the mission team, sending them off to Kentucky with a blessing. Our children helped to bless our "Giving Dolls" before they set off on their adventure, too. Our child who had the box this week tried to stump me by bringing in a remote control helicopter (well...that's what I call it, it has a special name) He told us that when the helicopter gets out of range from the remote it crashes, and that was our lesson today, that the same thing happens to us when we get out of range from God.

Text: Hebrews 12:1-3; Isaiah 50: 4
Sermon: "Running the Race"
Google Image from Babler State Park in Wildwood, MO

            If you were here last week, you may remember just how much I love the Olympics.  Hopefully you also recall how I suggested that we just might glimpse God’s glory on earth in the celebration of the opening ceremonies. Particularly in the community that is represented in the parade of nations. Well, today’s passage is part of its parade of nations, so to speak. The verses we just heard from Hebrews is part of a larger passage, one that culminates with Jesus as the exemplary model of faith. However, just before this, beginning in chapter 11, we are reminded of other faith heroes as the author tells the story of our faith fathers and mothers. Or, in keeping with the Olympic theme, the author tells the story of each athlete, highlighting their faithfulness by telling of the trials and suffering they overcame. It is as if the announcer is introducing each athlete as they march into Olympic Stadium.  A who’s who parade of Christian athletes who endured their own race. Beginning with Abel’s faithful sacrifice that cost him his life. Then Noah, who built an ark and endured the flood which destroyed all else. Then Abraham and Sarah make an appearance, the father and mother of Israel, who suffered childlessness until old age. Moses makes an appearance, as the announcer recalls how he led the Israelites out of slavery, only to endure years in the wilderness, never to make it to the promised land. Several prophets come next, enduring the scorn of entire nations. Then the announcer welcomes in all those who were martyred for their faith, those who literally endured death for their faith. Finally, of course, we come to where our reading began today in chapter 12, with the announcement of the host nation, with the example of Jesus, our Lord and Savior and King, who only came to that honor after taking on the weakness of human flesh, and enduring temptation, rejection and disgrace. Who came to sit at the right hand of the throne of God only by enduring the worst humiliation and pain, as he faced death on the cross.

            Yes, there you have it, our very own parade of nations. A witness so great that the author expects that this reminder of those who have gone before, will be a source of encouragement to us today. That we might be inspired by the faithful endurance of our ancestors. Verse three actually calls us to “consider this, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” But, I wonder about these words. It seems to me, that sometimes hearing what other people have accomplished only leaves me incredulous. I might be inspired, but I might also be overwhelmed by the accomplishment that I am left wondering how they did it, not how I might do it too. Or better yet, this list of faithful ancestors almost leaves me tired just thinking about it.

           Sort of the reaction that I had two wonderful friends of mine in Atlanta. They were a husband and wife raising three young children, while both attended seminary full time. The husband also pastored a church that was an hour drive each way from school. It made me tired just thinking about it.

            It’s the same reaction I have when I think of my own dad who worked two or three jobs for most of my life to support our family. It makes me tired just thinking about it.

            Or, having heard other people’s stories, even some of your stories. Stories of brokenness and recovery. Of loss and struggle, of single parenthood and caregiving. Stories of burdens overcome. I am in awe of the perseverance, the faith that it surely takes to press on, the love, the dedication, the whole-hearted effort. But often times, it still makes me tired just thinking about it!

            Which is why I have always wondered how recalling such stories of struggle, of challenge and suffering and endurance would possibly help me from getting tired and losing heart.You see, when we remember that the same oppression and suffering and injustice that plague us, plagued our ancestors, it is easy to become discouraged, to be overwhelmed the struggles ahead when it seems nothing is changing for the better. We can get worn out by the race that lies ahead.

            But this passage calls us to the very opposite. This passage calls us to remember the endurance of others, not to be tired just thinking about it, but so that we may not grow weary and lose heart. For this passage calls us to consider Jesus. It does not say fix your eyes on the opposition Jesus faced, or on the struggle of the witnesses around us. It calls us to consider the witnesses themselves, to consider Jesus himself. We are called to fix our eyes on the finish line, not on the race. Sure, you can’t see the finish line without seeing the race, too. Just like we can’t focus on Jesus without remembering the suffering. But, this passage calls our attention to Jesus, to the finish line, because that is our hope for perseverance. That is what keeps us going when we are tired just thinking about it.
            We fix our gaze on Jesus because He is the finish line. He is the pioneer, the trailblazer, of our faith. He was the first to finish the race, to achieve perfection and to sit in honor at the right hand of God’s throne. In paving the way, conquering death for us all, Jesus broke through the finisher’s tape, opening the way for all believers to come behind Him and achieve victory, too. Jesus opened the way for us to all glimpse the glory. So we focus on Jesus to be renewed in faith, confident that because of Him, we have a race that will end, and will assuredly end in victory!

            The most glorious thing about this victory, is that we can all achieve it. That is why we have such a great cloud of witnesses, instead of a single victor cheering us on. So many others have gone before us. Faithful witnesses from Scripture, from history, from this community, from this congregation, from our own loved ones. All gathered to cheer us on in support of our race.  Not just cheering on the one that has the best chance of winning, or the hometown hero, or the underdog. For as Christians, we all have the same guarantee of victory if we continue in faith. So the witnesses flank the road all around us. Ready to uplift us with an encouraging word, or to share their own story as a measure of solidarity.

            How do we persevere then in this race that lies before us? How do we lay aside what hinders us and put away our sin? One Ocean Insight that our children learned at Vacation Bible School answers this question for us. We persevere by not relying on our own understanding. As Psalm 3:5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”And so, we fix our eyes on Jesus and consider Him.

            Or as we heard earlier from Isaiah, sometimes we persevere because someone else knows has the word that will sustain us when we are weary. It’s no surprise, if we can’t glimpse the glory alone, we sure can’t get there alone either! As the stories of the witnesses remind us, faith takes endurance. Sometimes it takes so much endurance that it makes us tired just thinking about it. Like when trauma blows us off course, or comes like a roadblock in our lives. Or when sin and evil become hurdles that trip us up. It is in these moments especially that we remember that we don’t run alone. It’s like the poem, “Footprints in the sand” when the man talking to God looks back at his life and asks why there are only one set of footprints during the most difficult days and God responds that it was during those times that instead of walking beside the man, he picked him up and carried him.

            That is what we do for one another, too. Like at this year’s state track and field meet when a distance runner’s endurance gave out 20 yards from the finish line. An opponent behind her, wrapped her arm around the girl’s shoulders hoisting the fallen runner as they walked together across the finish line. We may not always be literally carrying one another, but we do support each other in so many ways. With meals, cards and visits during a difficult time. Today we supported our mission team in hopes of adding to their endurance as we sent them off with a blessing. With generosity and care, with presence and prayer we support one another as we all seek to endure the race before us. In fact, whether we lift up each other by name or not, we support one another every week when we pray the Lord’s prayer. For, we don’t pray, “my father” and we don’t ask for “my daily bread, or for forgiveness of my sins, or for personal deliverance from evil.” Instead, we pray to “our Father,” asking for OUR forgiveness, for OUR protection, for OUR provision. Even if we mutter this prayer in our rooms alone, still we offer it on behalf of every believer running the same race. We offer it even for those who are too tired or hurt or lost to pray this prayer for themselves. In that prayer, we truly fix our eyes on God. In that prayer we direct everyone else to consider the finish line of God’s glorious kingdom that Jesus made open to us.

            So even when just thinking about the race before us makes us tired, we can offer the old familiar prayer to persevere in faith. We can fix our gaze on Jesus and listen to the roar of the witnesses cheering us on, as we endure the road ahead together. 

A Glimpse of Glory

Sunday July 22, 2012

Text: Revelation 7: 9-17
Sermon: "A Glimpse of Glory"

Ahh the book of Revelation. It’s one that sometimes leaves people unsure of what they just read, or even frightened by it. This book, like any apocalypse, often brings out curiosity about the end of days. But at the heart of it, this is a book of hope, a book of victory for God and all believers. Particularly the passage we just heard Nancy read for us this morning. You see, this book was written at a time when Christians were feeling threatened. Whether by the empire or just a few vocal nay-sayers, these early Christians faced persecution, at times, even violence or martyrdom as they faced death for their beliefs. In light of all this tension and fear, John’s vision of life in God’s kingdom was a source of hope. It was a reminder of the eternal blessing that awaited them. A reminder that helped people to push through, to persevere in their faith. If you will, think of it as spiritual Gatorade for tired Christians.  In the midst of darkness, a ray of light; a vision of eternal life with God. A vision of life free from all pain and sorrow, free of hunger or thirst, free of oppression and fear. This, friends, is a glimpse into glory. Not just glory for those long-ago Christians, but for us too. This is the future for all Christians, for all who believe in Christ and live their lives following Jesus. This is the vision for us, it is our glimpse into glory.

            We know, however, that it’s not the only glimpse into “glory” that we get. No, we are surrounded by different stories of glory, stories of talent, wealth and success. In the coming weeks, we are especially sure to be bombarded by images of glory as the Olympic Games are set to get underway. As new records are set, as obstacles are overcome and as Olympic dreams come true, we will certainly hear about the glory of it all. About the glory of Olympic victory, of being the best in the world. I don’t say this to downgrade the accomplishment of the athletes. In fact, I love the Olympics. I am often inspired by the athletes, by their stories and how they cultivate their God given talents. By how often they use their gifts not just to compete, but to spread a good word or example to others. I only bring this up today to call our attention to the many different images of glory. Because these images don’t always match up. Like victory that comes unfairly or at the expense of others. But sometimes, these do line up.

            Today, instead of talking about all the ways that earthly glory falls short of God’s eternal glory, I thought it might be nice to see where they do line up. Besides, I still plan on watching the Olympics, so I don’t want to ruin them for me or you! Fortunately, one of the best places to glimpse God’s glory on earth is coming up. I am convinced that God’s glory just might be paralleled in the opening ceremony, and not just because the World Record Academy described Beijing’s opening ceremony four years ago as “seemingly made in heaven”. It’s much more than the splendor. It’s seeing the host nation pull out all the stops to create an unforgettable welcome, full of wonder and imagination. It’s the whole celebratory and joyous atmosphere. When all of the athletes are already feeling victorious for having made it to the Olympics. But, for me, to really glimpse the glory of the moment, you have to see the parade of nations. The time when thousands of athletes from all around the world march into the Olympic stadium, waving furiously and greeting one another happily. Ready to put aside competition and animosity, to become neighbors celebrating together.  Eventually those thousands of athletes from over 200 nations will intermingle, blurring into what can only be called a “great multitude…from every nation, tribe, people and language” (Rev. 7:9). That, is the true glory, the coming together of all people for one joyous day.
            That is the same scene that unfolds In John’s vision of the kingdom of God. A multitude of all people from all backgrounds celebrate God’s victory together, worshipping God in a harmony with one another. The multitude finds shelter together, is shepherded together, and finds living water together. Not just for one day, but for all eternity. To glimpse the glory, then, is to imagine the majesty of the opening ceremony ten times over, forever and ever.

            Can you even imagine it? As I thought about this myself, I realized that my image of God’s kingdom is always so full of light, angels, clouds and all things good, but it’s never full of people. Maybe a few loved ones, but never a multitude. Most of the images of heaven or the afterlife that I’ve ever seen are the same way. It’s beautiful and majestic, but dare I say, lonely? You may imagine something different or have seen different images of heaven. Even John’s vision which is spelled out for us in Revelation can be hard to imagine, until we see it. But there is one thing that John does not leave up to our imaginations, the true glimpse of glory is one that is shared by all believers.

            Friends, that’s the thing about real glory, it is always shared.
            Glory escapes us when we seek it alone. Not just when we seek it without God, for we already know that the satisfaction of that glory never lasts. But glory escapes us when we seek it individually. For God created us to be a community of believers. To be many members, but of the same body of Christ.
            This is something that our children learned this week at Vacation Bible School. When we talked about how scuba diving starts with a diving guide. Just as diving into faith begins when we first depend on God and choose to follow Jesus as our guide, instead of going it alone. Then we talked about how diving always requires a diving buddy. In the same way, diving deep in faith requires us to dare to care about others. Deep faith grows when we claim Jesus, telling others about Him too. Only then can the actions that we take come together to change the world and move it closer to God’s glory.

            Of course, our divers know that individual preparation goes into it, just as the Olympic athletes needed to do their own training, but we know that the moment of true celebration and glory is shared. That is why the first disciples were commissioned to go together to tell the Good News to all the nations, so that one day all those nations could gather together again to celebrate God’s glory. It is what our children did this morning when they gathered together again to celebrate the week and to share with us all their experience with God. See how we can only glimpse the glory together?

            I realize that this might not seem like good news to everyone. Maybe you’re shy and introverted, people tire you out. Maybe you’re independent, you think you’re strong enough not to need others, or you don’t want to burden others. Maybe you’ve been disappointed or hurt by people, you’re not eager to go down that road again. Maybe you are afraid to ask for help and fellowship. Maybe you struggle to trust others. Maybe you just have too much pride to fix a broken relationship, apologizing takes too much vulnerability and just might show you are human enough to make a mistake. Maybe you’re too busy for others, time is money, not people. Or maybe you think you can be spiritual all on your own.  Maybe, like me, you’ve experienced all of these before. Maybe you are facing them now.

            But I invite you to hear how God calls to us in all of these circumstances. Hear how God urges us into the faith community anyways. Shy? God gives us the story and calls us to tell it. Independent? Jesus sent the disciples in pairs and groups. Hurt? God calls us to forgive, replacing our pain with God’s love. Afraid? God calls us to cast aside our fears, to lay them all at God’s feet. Untrusting? God calls for faith. Prideful? God calls us to humility. Busy? God calls for Sabbath rest. Spiritual on your own? God calls you to follow, to be the church, to be a member of the body of Christ.

            It’s not a call you can answer on your own. The people John wrote to knew that best of all, for John wrote to whole communities that relied on each other for strength to survive, for nurturance to grow in faith. So Revelation casts this vision of communal hope before us. The vision of all believers celebrating God’s victory together. Of all believers sheltered together under Jesus’ care. Of a great multitude singing praise to God in one voice. A vision of glory. One we can only attain together.

            So live into the hope of God’s glory today. Take the time and make the effort to consider what might be holding you back. When you have that in mind, Remember that nothing separates us from the love of God, and by God’s love all who believe are welcomed and connected as brothers and sisters of Christ. Remember that all are welcomed in this place too, just as on Friday night athletes from around the world will be welcomed together at the opening ceremonies. And welcomed into the faith community of all believers, we in this place, are the multitude that will not only glimpse God’s glory now, but will finally grasp it forever.

Leaving an Impression

Sunday July 15, 2012

Text: Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Sermon: "Leaving an Impression"

I've shared with several of you that a few weeks ago when we met to go pick up Vacation Bible School supplies, I couldn't for the life of me figure out why we needed so many helpers. As you know, this is my first VBS experience here, so I didn't know what to expect. Actually, I thought I knew what to expect...and what I expected was a poster or two, maybe a few props, but nothing that needed a dozen people and a trailer. So you can imagine that when we go to our sister church in Kent, I was shocked! I couldn't believe the elaborate sets they had created. Or how the hallways just kept going, swimming in a sea of underwater murals and ocean creatures. And that was before I saw the sixteen foot boat, the boat that took a little imagination and bold deconstruction to get here. But I am glad that we got it here. All I could think was, "wow, they really went all out!" Alright, I was really thinking, "Wow, they really went OVERBOARD!" Needless to say, I was impressed.

Flash forward to this week and I have carried this same sentiment with me---I am still impressed. I might even be more impressed as I watched the sets come to life and transform our own space. Which just might explain why when I sat down to read the Scripture for the week, one phrase in particular jumped out at me. "Impress them on your children." Oh, we've got that covered, I thought, I mean, just wait until the kids see these sets and the fun that is in store for them. Impress your children? CHECK!

But then, I stopped and re-read the passage. That's when I realized that verse seven says "impress them on your children." Put another way, teach your children. That is very different than "impress your children." Or at least it can be. There are, of course, those beautiful moments when our children are both impressed and impressed upon. Which is our hope for this week. That our children will learn about how great God is and how much God loves them. While at the same time being in awe of the fun and imagination that Vacation Bible School offers. Yes, this is going to be an impressive week, one that we should rejoice in!

But when the celebration of this week ends, I began to wonder where we will be. You see, we live in a society that overall seems more interested in impressing our children, rather than being careful about what we impress on our children. It makes sense, we are so busy. Remember all those calls we talked about last week? It's no wonder we strive to impress people, we're always fighting through a constant stream of inputs. We are always vying for people's attention, even for our children's. It seems we need a big extravaganza just to cut through the noise of TV or video games. We need some big to do just to compete with school or sports and overloaded schedules. Something massive...just to catch people's attention before it slips out of our grasp. So we seek to impress. We think we have to.

Although, if you've been around children you know that isn't always the case. It could be the smallest detail, the most mundane event that catches their curiosity. For better or worse, it is the everyday conversation that catches their ear. Country artist Rodney Atkins wrote a song called "Watching You" that captures this point. Let's listen to what really makes an impression:
Watching You-Rodney Atkins

Did you hear how just watching his father left an impression? I imagine this is a truth that we all know. We already know that we don't need to impress our children to teach them. We already know that they learn best just by watching what we do and listening to what we say. Maybe that is why Deuteronomy goes on to say, "talk about the commandments when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

We just need to talk to our children about God. We really need to talk to everyone about God, but we'll start today with our children. Everywhere we are can talk about God. We can tell God's story, we can stop our children to point out God's presence all around them. God's presence in their friendships. God in the trees and the grass and the sky. God in the arms that hold them when they fall. God in the warm bath that makes them clean. God in the rest that makes them ready for another day. God's provision in their meals and God's abundant bounty in their snacks. God everywhere! That's part of my hope with the box, to help point out God's presence with us. Believe me, I know, sometimes it's difficult, even a little scary to find God in what's in the box. The more we try though, the more we break our box apart.** Until eventually we are left with this, a cross, reminding us that God can't be left in a box, or even in our box--the four walls of this church. For God is everywhere. That my friends, is very impressive!

That, is the Good News for today. We don't need to be impressive. God's story is impressive enough. We just need to tell it. As Rodney Atkins reminds us, our words and actions will leave an impression on our children. So when this fun-filled week at Vacation Bible School is over, and we collapse in exhaustion and joy, we don't need to worry about "now what do we do?" "How will we top that?"

We just need to keep telling the story. In church. In the car. In your home. In the morning and at bedtime. Or as Doctor Seuss might suggest from his famous book Green Eggs and Ham, we need to talk about God "in a boat with a goat, in the rain, or in the dark" (especially in the dark times!) "on a train, or in a car. or in a tree. or in a box with a fox. or in a house with a mouse. Talk about God here and there, talk about God anywhere!" And, friends, if we can do that, that will be quite impressive and leave a deep impression.

**This will make more sense (hopefully!) when the video is posted. In the meantime, notice that if you unfold a box that is made of one sheet of paper, the original shape is a cross.

Let's redefine "rapid-fire"...

So much for rapid-fire, catch-up blog posts! Here's what happened: You see, a few weeks ago my lovely husband surprised recording my sermon. Yes, in the middle of my sermon I notice he's got the video camera out, what pastor doesn't love that surprise?! Anyways, it's that I know. So, I thought posting the videos would give you a better experience of the sermons, or just give your tired eyes a rest from reading. But actually getting the videos posted hasn't been so restful on this end. It's taken some trial and error, plus some editing to work out some timing kinks. So, just like God's kingdom, those videos are living in an in-between, but not quite here yet! (That's the only comparison...the videos getting posted won't be near as life-changing as, ya know, the End times, sorry if I got your hopes up). Anyways, that's what slowed down my "rapid-fire" posting. Enter my light-bulb going off moment: I finally figured I can always add the videos later (light-bulb!), so might as well get the text up! Ahh, yes, let's take a moment to soak in that wonderful idea together...

So, that's the new plan. Get the text of the sermons posted then finally move on to what's going on NOW at Faith UMC! The videos will make it when they make it, (no one knows the hour or day...oh wait...)

Alright, enough of that. Let's try this again. Rapid-fire posting, take 2!