Monday, October 18, 2010

Ambulances of Healing

This week we concluded our series, "Cruisin' with Christ: Vehicles of Prayer." We talked about the vehicle of healing prayer: the ambulance. After the sermon, we had a time devoted to seeking the healing of heaven. It was a powerful time, filled with God's Spirit and there were reports of miraculous healing! Keep praying for the Lord's healing to be poured out and God's people to be restored.

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“Ambulances of Healing”
Brimfield Faith UMC / October 17, 2010
James 5:15-17

My only ride in an ambulance was when I was 15 years old. I was riding one of those small BMX trick bikes when I tried to do a simple trick. I missed the trick and the handle bars went into my stomach. I feel off the bike in pain and instantly knew something was wrong. I went in the house and told my mom we need to go to the hospital. As I tried to get in the car, I became nauseated and we decided we needed to call 911 for an ambulance. The ambulance with paramedics came to our house and transported me to the hospital where I ended up having surgery for a tear in my stomach muscle. I was thankful for the ambulance that day because it quickly and efficiently transported me to the hospital so that I could be made well.
This week is our final week of the series, “Cruisin’ with Christ: Vehicles of Prayer.” This final week, we are talking about the ambulance as healing prayer. The ambulance is the vehicle of healing prayers. It carries us into the healing presence of God. While no one dreams of riding in an ambulance, we are always grateful that we have them. The ambulance is generally used to transport people who have been hurt or are in immediate medical attention. Since the ambulance began beginning used for transportation, it has probably saved millions of lives. An ambulance saves lives because of its speed, the medical supplies it holds, and the trained paramedics that operate the vehicle.
This morning’s sermon I want to share several stories about the power of healing prayer. At the end of it, we are going to have a chance to drive the ambulance of healing. We are going to seek God in prayer for divine healing. After all, the best way to end a series on prayer is to actually spend some time in prayer.

A couple of weeks ago Caleb came down with his first serious cold. It turned into a double ear infection and was quite miserable for everyone involved. He was in pain, his nose was running, his ears were hurting and he wouldn’t sleep. As a parent, it broke my heart. It is my responsibility to watch over him and to take care of him. I wanted nothing more than to be able to comfort him. In fact, we went to great lengths to ensure his comfort and speedy healing. A couple of nights, we stayed up much of the night holding and rocking him back to sleep. In fact, on night Michelle slept on the couch with him on her chest for a good four or five hours. As parents it pains you when your child is sick and you will do almost anything to comfort and make your child well.
In the same way, God’s heart is to comfort and heal his children. One of God’s names in Hebrew is YHWH-Rapha, the Lord who heals. In Luke 7:22, Jesus defines his ministry as the Messiah by saying, blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor.” It is never God’s will for us to be sick and to suffer. He can and does use illness to bring about good but he doesn’t ever cause it. I don’t have the time to get into the reasons why God doesn’t always heal, but I will say that it is always God’s heart to bring healing and wholeness to the afflicted and the broken.

Last Monday, the Akron Beacon Journal has an article in the Sport Page called, “All kinds of prayers answered for defense.” The article was about defensive linemen Kenyon Coleman. He has missed practice on Friday before the Bengals game due to injury. Instead of being resigned to missing the game Sunday, fellow defensive lineman, Brian Schaefering prayed for Coleman’s healing. The paper reported the following from Coleman. ''I'm just going to be real,'' Coleman said. ''My teammate prayed for me and that's when it turned around. You can't tell me that didn't happen, because even I didn't think I was going to play. Twenty-four hours ago, I was a scratch. So there's no doubt in my mind [it was a miraculous healing].''
On March 7, 2010, Ashley Leuis shared a story for her own personal healing. At 20 weeks pregnant, the ultrasound revealed pregnancy complications that increased the possibility of preterm labor and the loss of the baby. After receiving healing prayer during worship at the end of February, she went back for another ultrasound. At the follow up ultrasound, the doctors were baffled. The pregnancy complications that had been revealed on the first ultrasound were miraculously gone. The doctors said there was no medical explanation but Ashley knew the reason. The Lord who heals had brought healing to her and her baby to be. On June 16, 2010, a healthy Gage Robert Leius was born.
For me, these stories testify to the scope of God’s healing power. They teach us that God’s healing is for all people. God can heal everyone from professional athletes to pregnant woman to unborn babies. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve done, or how much faith you have, God wants to bring his healing to you. You cannot earn God’s healing. He gives it freely and willingly.
The final story I want to share with you comes from Luke 8:43-48. The story begins with Jesus traveling through the city surrounded by people. In the crowd is a woman who shouldn’t be there because she is unclean and purity law requires her to stay away from other people. She has been bleeding for over 12 years and no doctor has been able to heal her. Nonetheless, the woman sneaks up and touches the fringe of Jesus’ robe. This act was a profession that she believed in the healing power of Jesus. As she secretly touches his robes, he is instantly healed. Jesus notices something has happened, stops and asks, “Who touched me?” Finally, the woman reveals herself and falls at Jesus’ feet. Jesus proclaims that her faith has made her well and he sends he along in peace.
The woman is made well because healing is a part of God’s very nature. He cannot help but make people who. God not only wants to heal us physically but he wants to make us whole. He heals the woman’s body, but he also restores her mind and spirit. He publically addresses her in order to restore her status as an outcast. There are other healing stories in which Jesus not only heals but forgives sins. Jesus heals the entire person: the body, mind and spirit. When Jesus heals, he does it all.
As broken and hurting people, God invites us to seek after him. Like the woman, God wants us to pursue our healing because God’s healing is for now. Divine healing is not a passive act but something that we can chase after and even steal. We must pursue a holistic healing just as the woman receives. We don’t need to wait for God to heal. We don’t need to figure out whether healing is God’s will. Instead, we can boldly ask for it because God’s healing is for now. Jesus says, “You have not because you ask not.” Therefore, let us enter into a time of asking for healing. Let us pursue and perhaps steal the healing of heaven this morning.

Let us begin this time of healing by remember the words of James 5 and confess our sins before God. “Lord we have fallen short and missed the mark. Our fallen nature causes brokenness, sickness, and pain in our lives. Forgive us of our sins and heal us.”
Hear the Good News: Christ has dided for us while we were yet sinners; that proves God’s love towards us. In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven! Amen

O God, the giver of health and salvation, we give thanks to you for the gift of oil. As your holy apostles anointed many who were sick and healed them, so pour out your Holy Spirit to us and on this gift, that those who in faith and repentance receive this anoint may be made whole; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

God’s Spirit is present and wants to restore our brokenness. There are several ways to respond to God’s invitation to healing this morning.
#1. Around the altar are small strips of cloth that represent the hem of Jesus’ garments. Those garments remind us of the healing power of God. I have prayed over each of them and I believe they contain God’s healing spirit. As we move into a time of prayer for healing, I would invite everyone to come forward and pursue your healing. It can be physical, emotional or spiritual. We are all broken in some way.
#2. Pastor Tom and I will be available to lay hands and pray for your healing.
#3. There are people God has laid on your hearts to pray for. Some are here, others are not. Use the guideline on the screen, to pray for others alone or in small groups.

So let us spend the next few minutes seeking to reach into heaven and pull down God’s healing. Remember like the woman, we need to step out and take a risk. As we draw near to God, we can be confident that he will draw near to us.

1. Ask the person about their prayer need.
(Medical details not necessary.)
2. Ask permission to lay hands on them.
(Can I lay a gentle hand on your shoulder?)
3. Listen for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
(Are you led to focus on one of the four areas below?)
4. Pray simply and with faith.
a. Immune system
b. Doctors and nurses
c. God’s strength and grace
d. For the miracle!
5. Check with the person to see if anything has happened.

Close with Lord’s Prayer and the singing of “Amazing Grace.”

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