Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Divine Healing

On October 17, we held a short healing service at the end of worship. We invited people to come forward and pursue their healing. We anointed people with oil, layed hands, and allowed people to pray at the altar. The Lord met us in this time and there was a strong healing anointing in the church. A number of people reported healing during the experience. (I left out names for privacy sake.) Some of those reports included:

A man sores on his hands were healed. He had sores on his hands for 3 months that would not heal. The sores were almost completely healed by the following Sunday.

A woman began driving again. After being unable to drive for 9 months, we began driving days after the healing service.

A woman with cronic migrane headaches stopped. After daily headaches, she reported a week without any headaches.

A woman healed of kidney pain. (full testimony below)

These are just a couple of the incredible ways that God is moving in our midst. I believe God is calling us to pursue even greater things in the supernatural realm. We have an all-loving, all-powerful God!

I have had kidney stones since 1997. The doctors have tested the stones and suggested that I be on a low oxalate diet, which is very hard to stay on. Every couple of years when the pain becomes so bad I go through a surgical procedure called Lithotripsy. Then I have no pain for a few months. When the stones are starting to form again, I have a dull ache on the left side of my lower back. Bearable but still an ache. One day my left kidney will probably stop functioning because of all the damage the stones and surgeries have caused. Today I woke up...my lower back was hurting more than usual. Just making breakfast was a chore. I didn't reach for a pain pill as usual..instead I went to church. During the songs in church I usually hold my daughter but today I couldn't, my back hurt to much. During the healing service you asked for people to come to the altar for healing. With my back hurting... wasn't sure if I could even kneel. So I stayed in the back of the church..praying for some relief... and other things that I have been struggling with. I realized when we stood up to sing the last song that my pain was gone. I twisted my body and bent over, the same movements that earlier that morning caused pain. It was gone. I know God has stopped my pain. It never goes away that quick with any kind of pill... God did it!

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